A thing called the "New Freedom Commission on Mental Health", a Presidential Commission, has laid out some recommendations for mandatory (forced) mental health screenings in all schools for pre-k to grade 12 students & to include adult employees, which may be expanded to include
all Americans. As part of the screening, follow-up treatment with drugs will be used for those found to be "in need" of it. Initial funding for the grants to begin implementing the program is in front of Congress now.
This "idea" smacks of Nazism or better yet Communism, whereby the State will decide who is "fit" & who isn't, according to their standards. What next then? Medication for those who do not tow the Government line? The Soviet Union's pyschiatric hospitals were full of such "misfits". Such a plan will also profit the Drug Industry enormously, which will naturally be pushing to have as many kids on medicated drugs as possible to boost their profits on Ritalin & other very expensive drugs. Too many kids are medicated already - the panacea for parents & mental health workers.
The costs to run such a bureaucracy will be enormous, the potential for abuse is built in. Where does the government get off forcing children & adults to be screened & medicated? This is truly frightening & our liberties are at stake with such an asinine program.
If it looks like such a mandatory plan will go into effect, then it will be time for all parents to fight against it. Big Brother is too big already, but now it wants your children medicated under the guise of correcting behavior disorders. Read more
here &