An American Values Special...
Still smarting from Al Gore's narrow loss to George Bush in the controversial Florida 2000 election, a Democrat plan to rig the 2004 elections has been discovered. Not satisfied with winning just the White House, this scheme extends to the Senate, the House of Representatives, Governorships, city mayors, town councilmen & yes, even dog catcher positions.
The Democrats for too long have been known to urge the dead to vote in elections. In fact, one soon to be dead Democrat was quoted as saying, "When I die I want to be buried in Chicago, because I want to remain active in politics."
For years this was wildly successful. But now an even more nefarious plan is afoot. The idea is simplicity in itself.
"One person, one vote" is what we expect in our elections. The Democrats, however, have found a way to change this into "One person, five votes". With a little fudging they are well on their way to achieving it.
Our intrepid investigative reporter, Jessica, managed to retrieve a photo(below) that shows positive proof of their sinister effort.
American Values urges all Republicans to contact their representatives in Congress to prevent this outrage. Or they can drink the same water the Democrats do. Then come election day the playing field will be level again.
Evil scheme