The irrational George W. Bush haters are having a field day blaming George Bush for a so-called immoral war on Iraq (wrong), a depression-like economy (wrong again), prior knowledge of the 911 attacks (rolls eyes), the cause of death of untold millions (huh?), the starving of untold numbers of children, the plight of the elderly who have no health care & must enroll under a dog's name to at least get vet care, & the shame of the USA in the eyes of the civilized world.
I think a really good Bush hater could do better. It was goddamn hot & humid around here today - Bush's fault! The Lakers lost in the NBA finals?! OMG - Bush's fault. Those who failed to graduate this June? - Bush's fault. My cable went out for 35 seconds - Bush's fault. And my girlfriend tells me she thinks she's pregnant - by gum, that's gotta be Bush's fault; who else's could it be, huh?
Well, let's extrapolate a tad here & find out who is really at fault for all these evils. George Senior saw fit to get Barbara pregnant, so it was his fault! No, not really. If it wasn't for Grandpa Bush there would be no little Bushies, so let's blame him. No - that doesn't work. We have all these great-great-great Bushes to deal with also.
Bring history in to it & we can really spread the blame. If the South had won the Civil War, there would undoubtedly be no Bushes. But England failed to support the South fully. Hmm - methinks the English are a lot to blame. But wait again. The Spanish screwed up the Armada, otherwise we would be speaking Spanish right now & there are no Spanish Bushes that I know of.
If Rome did not fall, we'd still be on the Italian peninsula. Those filthy Romans caused all our troubles(biting knuckle)! Ah - but the Greeks - too busy putzing in Troy to keep up their civilization (never liked Greek food anyway).
But where did the Greeks come from? From the people of the Middle East, specifically the Garden of Eden. Damn bitch Eve - couldn't leave well enough alone. Had to get evicted over a lousy apple - and this is what we get for it - Bush!!
But they didn't HAVE to get kicked out of that oasis of debauchery. I mean someone, or some thing coulda said, "Naw, you can stay." Then we'd all still be in the Garden. With 6 billion folks around I grant ya it would be a tad crowded, but well worth the lack of elbow room, if it precluded that fanatic Bush being in the White House which he stole from the Good Prince Gore.
So, who do we have left to blame, hmmm? Hmmm?? It's not George W. who got my girl friend in a family way, nor George W. who is to blame for the evils that the Bush haters bestow upon him.
It's the Man in the sky! The Great One. It's God's fault!!! And thank God for President George W. Bush!