A USA Today analysis reveals that since 2000 enrollment in 25 Federal aid programs such as health care, college aid & food stamps, has increased 17%. This is a record increase in the number of Americans receiving benefits.
The cost for these programs is $1.3 trillion dollars, up 22% since 2000 & accounts for more than half of Federal spending. Medicaid, the health care program for the poor, added 15 million beneficiaries over five years to become the nation's largest entitlement program.
At the same time, it was announced elsewhere that the National Debt is now $7 trillion - about $30,000 owed for each American.
The Federal government is out of control. Spending & entitlements are out of control. We are quickly becoming a Federal-dependent welfare state. The National Debt will only get worse - your children & grandchildren will bear the consequences of it.
Blame the Congress - they can't seem to stop spending
your tax dollars on bloated entitlement programs & on pork barrel projects that have little resemblance to responsible tax-dollar spending. They refuse to even look at reduction of spending. It's Christmas every day of the year with these so-called representatives of the people.