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American Values Under Attack Image by FlamingText.com
Image by FlamingText.com

"Fighting the world wide web of wicked wrong doers."

Welcome. The aim of this site is simple - to rail against the slow, but steady chipping away of traditonal American values by a host of groups & individuals bent on destroying them.

“We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" - John Page 1776

And crown thy good with brotherhood.... ....from sea to shining sea line07-b.gif Your commentator - Francis Lynn...MySpace Profile...E-mail

Monday, February 28, 2005

"Dirty" Bomber Jose Padilla Ordered Released

A judge has ordered that Jose Padilla either be charged with a crime by the U.S. government or he will be released in 45 days.

Padilla was arrested in 2002 after an FBI investigation revealed that Padilla had contacted Al Qada operatives & offered to attack the USA with a nuclear weapon that he had read how to build on the web. The operatives, instead, suggested Padilla work on a "dirty bomb". It was a feeble plan, but nevertheless he was arrested & designated as an enemy combatant.

We have to agree with the judge's decision in this case. Regardless of what Padilla may or may not have attempted, he is a U.S. citizen & he should be accorded full rights as a citizen. If Padilla is left in limbo with no charges being filed for a year, 5 years, 10 years, what does that say about the federal government's ability to choose at their discretion or justification which other citizens can be held without charge.

As reprehensible as his crimes may have been, the civil & legal rights of all American citizens are of greater concern. While protecting the rights of the likes of small time gangster Padilla, we are protecting the rights of all.

Charge Padilla & let him get his day in court. Save the "enemy combatant" title for enemy combatants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And in another landmark decision the Supreme Court has struck down capital punishment for children. Give onto man what is man’s and give onto God what is God’s. How many children did Bush let fry while he was Governor of Texas??? A poor Christian indeed is he.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Francis Lynn said...

They didn't strike down capital punishment for children. They said 16-17 yr olds who commited capital offenses could not be executed when they become adults. By the way, me thinks you have a fixation on Bush. Could it be love, wink, wink?

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they can be executed before they become adults??? No. They struck doen capital punishment for children.

A fixation on Bush. Yes. Change is driven from the top down. And at the moment he is at the apex. But, why do you always defend the Bushman? Sounds to me like another case of the abused defending the abuser.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Francis Lynn said...

Bush rules, haha! Conservatives rule, haha! Dems & libnuts are pase. Go back to the libnut hole whence ye came, haha.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Christ rules. Repent Francis Lynn! You must repent. Down on your knees - nay onto your belly - and crawl in shame from your your unworthiness before our Saviour - The Lord Jesus Crist.

12:34 PM  
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