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American Values Under Attack Image by FlamingText.com
Image by FlamingText.com

"Fighting the world wide web of wicked wrong doers."

Welcome. The aim of this site is simple - to rail against the slow, but steady chipping away of traditonal American values by a host of groups & individuals bent on destroying them.

“We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" - John Page 1776

And crown thy good with brotherhood.... ....from sea to shining sea line07-b.gif Your commentator - Francis Lynn...MySpace Profile...E-mail

Friday, December 31, 2004

Update: Tamale Friends Located!

Safe - But Sound?

In the below post, "Tragedy Strikes Tamale Family", we bemoaned the disappearance of 3 tamales who were on their way to the East Coast to begin a new life. Well, good news! The 3 have been located! They are lucky carrots indeed.

Thanks to the Tamale Alert System, which was established & designed to locate missing or abducted tamales, the 3 lads have been found. For what ever reason, they are in the custody of the U. S. Post Office & are being detained in their local office. At the same time, American Values received a notice from the Post Office that they are being held there. In what we can only assume is a ransom note, the Post Office left instructions for us to go to their office this Monday. They unreasonably demand a signature for the release of the 3. But if that is the price we must pay for their release then we will gladly pay it.

There was no information on the lads' conditions. We are concerned because they have not eaten, nor been eaten, since they left the safety of rain-swept California. We can only hope & pray for the best. Meanwhile, family members are in the process of being notified that their loved ones have indeed been located. We will keep you updated on further events as they transpire.

Tamale Alert volunteers celebrate the good news


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could they be poison tamales? Will you be forced by the FBI to eat them to prove your innocence? Will the Post Office be closed until a Haz-Op squad disinfects the building?

The Uni-tamalier strikes.

12:30 PM  

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