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And crown thy good with brotherhood....
....from sea to shining sea
Your commentator - Francis Lynn ...MySpace Profile ...E-mail
British Cave Into Muslim Political Correctness: Terrorism Wins A Round
In yet another sign that kiss-Muslim-butt is in vogue is the announcement that British police will consult will a Muslim panel before the police carry out any terror-related raids. The panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid. Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. In a raid, when acting on a tip, police shot & killed a man, but no bomb was found. Azad Ali, chairman of the MSF, said: "The major concern that came to us from Muslims was that the intelligence was flawed  the raid was on assumption and nothing else. This will allow independent scrutiny of intelligence." This is pure British insanity. They are willing to compromise their investigations for the sake of political correctness & "sensitivity" to Muslim concerns. So this Muslim panel gets to input on the intelligence info the police put before them. But not to worry about it leaking to the bad guys, because they will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown, wink, wink. Yeah, right. Half the Muslim community is in league with the Islamo-fascists in one form or another. We are sick of concerns about what the Muslims think. If they don't like police investigations that target Muslim suspects then let them go back to their "democratic" countries. They'll quickly find out how much input they get to make with their own regimes. The terrorists win another one - all for the sake of political correctness .
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