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And crown thy good with brotherhood....
....from sea to shining sea
Your commentator - Francis Lynn ...MySpace Profile ...E-mail
Ignorant People Week
Hereforth are a few of the idiots we've come across in the news:Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid called President Bush "dangerously incompetent" on Wednesday. Reid criticized Bush's statement Tuesday that his successor in the White House would likely be responsible for deciding when U.S. troops leave Iraq. "To me it shows how dangerously incompetent he is," Reid said. Reid, known for idiotic statements in the past & showing a woeful lack of knowledge of issues, is dangerously stupid. He also has not the aplomb nor civility to treat a sitting President with respect, no matter what his disagreement with the President. Reid is a fine example of a Democrat leader reduced to absurdity.Hillary Clinton , official hag of the Senate, spoke on the Senate debate regarding an illegal immigration bill. Quoth the smartest woman in the world, "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures. This bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." We find it appalling that the tainted Hillary of Whitewater days brings up Jesus for political points. She is obviously courting the Christian Right, or at least Chrisitans left, right, middle, sideways, up, down...well you get the picture. She'll have to wait for the Second Coming of you know who, to get their vote, no matter what she says. If she had any understanding of the Scriptures, as she claims, she would know that hers' is a ridiculous statement about Jesus to begin with. She may also have been less likely to be the corrupt, lying person that she is. By the way, in 2003 Hillary stated during a radio interview that she was "adamantly opposed to illegal immigrants." Jesus may have turned the other cheek, but Hillary turns on her other side - where ever the votes are. Guess she learned that from the Scriptures. Finally, St. Paul, Minnesota , has banned the Easter Bunny. You heard it here, folks. A City Council secretary had put up a toy bunny, plastic eggs & the words "Happy Easter" in the lobby. St. Paul's human rights director, Tyrone Terrill, asked that the decorations be removed, saying they could be offensive to non-Christians. Uh-huh, yup, another politically correct idiot in government, another assault on the mainstay of our religious heritage. If it was a Muslim bunny or a gay bunny or a pagan bunny, odds are it would stay. Maybe removing Tyrone from not only the lobby, but from his job would be more appropriate.
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