In the third debate, John Kerry said he had written 56 bills that had been passed. 56 over 20 years. Hmm...let's see... 56 divided by 20...umm...carry the one...umm...comes to a little over 2 bills a year. The man is a whirlwind of productivity! But what 56 bills? Well, we can be sure these were major pieces of legislation because...well because Kerry cares about us, he tells us, & constantly reminds us that he has "led the fight" & has been "in the forefront" in his battles to give us all a better life. And Kerry wouldn't lie, would he? So here is a break down of his remarkable achievements over 20 years, all to help us poor folk:
Kerry's 56 varieties (one more & it's ketchup time) include bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions & Senate resolutions. The last 2 have no force of law.
He authored 24 concurrent resolutions, the likes of which are these examples:
To change the name of the Committee on Small Business to the "Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship." (2001)
To make May 21, 1991 “National Land Trust Appreciation Day.” (1991)
Honoring Milton D. Stewart for his leadership and service at the Small Business Administration. (2002)
10 Senate-passed bills granted waivers to foreign-built vessels going port to port in the U.S. 10 ships = 10 separate bills.
Kerry has authored only 11 bills over 20 years that became law:
S.J.Res.158: To make the week of Oct. 22 – Oct. 28, 1989 “World Population Awareness Week.” (1989)
S.J.Res.160: To renew “World Population Awareness Week” for 1991. (1991)
S.J.Res.318: To make Nov. 13, 1992 “Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day.” (1992)
S.J.Res.337: To make Sept. 18, 1992 “National POW/MIA Recognition Day." (1992)
H.R.1900 (S.300): Awarded a congressional gold medal to Jackie Robinson (posthumously), and called for a national day of recognition. (2003)
H.R.1860 (S.856): Increased the maximum research grants for small businesses from $500,000 to $750,000 under the Small Business Technology Transfer Program. (2001)
S.791: Authorizes $53 million over four years to provide grants to woman-owned small businesses. (1999)
S.1206: Names a federal building in Waltham, Massachusetts after Frederick C. Murphy, who was killed in action during World War II and awarded (posthumously) the Medal of Honor. (1994)
S.1636: A save-the-dolphins measure aiming “to improve the program to reduce the incidental taking of marine mammals during the course of commercial fishing operations.” (1994)
S.1563: Funding the National Sea Grant College Program, which supports university-based research, public education, and other projects “to promote better understanding, conservation and use of America’s coastal resources.” (1991)
S.423: Granting a visa and admission to the U.S. as a permanent resident to Kil Joon Yu Callahan. (1987)
This is the sum total of Kerry's "working hard" for you over 20 years! Hell, he's not even working hard for his own state since there is a clear lack of bills in Massachusetts' interests. Where are the medicaid bills, the Social Security reform bills, the prescription drug bills, the tax bills, the clean air bills, the environmental bills, the military bills, the budget bills, the child care bills, & on & on??
But have no fear. Kerry has promised that as President he will work hard for us. And Kerry wouldn't lie, would he? No wonder Kerry won't talk about his Senate record & instead spends the time criticizing President Bush for what he supposedly didn't do legislatively. But to be fair to Kerry, since he only showed up half the time at his paid Senate job the guy just didn't have the time to write bills to help us poor folk. Kerry is pure phoney & baloney. The Senate is just an ego trip for Kerry on his quest for the mother of all ego trips - the White House. How anyone can get snookered by Kerry into voting for him is beyond me.