John Kerry on Wednesday whined again about the Republicans, saying, "They've wound up not even extending unemployment benefits." This is in reference to a bill in Congress which would have extended unemployment benefits, but was defeated by one vote.
Well guess what, folks. Kerry was not present in the Senate at the time the vote was taken. He was too busy hot on the campaign trail, promoting himself. Had he been there as he is paid to be, he could have voted for the bill & it would have passed & the unemployed would have had their extension.
This is another example of Kerry's arrogance - sniping at the Republicans for his failings. This so-called defender & protector of the down-trodden, this man who expresses his great concern for the misfortunate, didn't give enough of a damn to go to Washington & cast the deciding vote for the bills' passage. This man mouths words of concern for the hapless, but the truth is that he is only interested in extending
his employment - and to hell with anyone else. Kerry is an insufferable phony.