Amnesty International(AI) recently released its annual human rights report & unsurprisingly its harshest criticism was directed at the United States & its handling of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners. The organization called Guantanamo Bay "the gulag of our times, entrenching the practice of arbitrary and indefinite detention in violation of international law."
AI is a very naive organization or they have a leftist agenda against the U.S. You guess which. To compare Guantanamo Bay with the Gulags of the Soviet Union is resprehensible at best. AI seems to think that slave labor & starvation, summary executions, beatings, torture & meager living conditions of millions at the Soviet gulags, as an official government policy of Lenin & Stalin, is equatible with Guantanamo Bay. President Bush rightly answered that the charges were "absurd."
When it comes to America, there is no sense of proportionality on the part of organizations with anti-American agendas to push. We don't recall Amnesty International calling N. Korean prisons gulags, nor Iranian, nor Chinese, nor any number of countries with atrocious prison systems & human rights abuses.
Amnesty International, along with the usual suspects, demands perfection on the part of the USA in war, prisons, whatever. Knowing that perfection is unattainable, they are chomping at the bit, waiting for the mistake, the faux pas. They are not so stingent with other countries. Countries with real human rights abuses they can tolerate, but America they truly hate. It is a rigged game with these clowns at AI.